Sunday, March 6, 2011


Our weekend was busier than I had hoped it would be but we accomplished a ton so it was worth it.  When we found out that we were expecting Faith, the hubs and I started talking about how important it would be to have one on one time with each of our children.  Now that the girls are 5 and 2 we decided it was time to put our "plan" into action.  Each month the 1st and 3rd Saturdays would be spent on "dates" with the girls and then the 2nd and 4th we would hang out as a family.  

Saturday it was my turn to take Grace, she chose where we went, what she ate, and where to sit, it was "her" day.  So she chose IHOP, a funny face pancake, and she sat right next to me. 
Pretty cool I must admit.

Grace was an absolute doll and it was fun to hang out as just us.  I found out that her unicorn is her favorite toy and that a zebra is her favorite animal, I also discovered that the child eats as much as a teenage boy when given the opportunity.

Yeah, she finished ALL of that and two eggs and another pancake!  YOWZAH!
While we were out the hubs took Faith out on their own date and had a great time.

After our dates we met up and headed out to pick up soome goodies for the backyard.
  I am so ready for GREEN and WARM. 


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