Friday, February 11, 2011


When I wake up in the morning and begin getting dressed one of the first things that I do is turn on the TV.  When  I am on my way to work as soon I shut the truck door I reach for the radio. 
When I run I have headphones blaring music.
When we get ready for bed we have music.
I am constantly feeding my "need" for noise.  Not because I am actually listening to what is going on.  No, 90% of the time it is just background music in this play we call life and during that 90% of the time I find myself discontent. 

The more I think, the more I realize that we live in a media driven society.  At every turn more "options" are available to us.  TV, radio, Internet, phones, Skype, MP3 players...the list could go on and on yet our society hungers for more.  More what?  Time wasting, money spending, mind numbing...things.  But the life we are called to live is much different, in fact we are specifically instructed to, "Be still and know that He is God" Psalms 46:10. 

I am frequently asked how I am and my consistent response is "Busy" but am I really busy or am I wasting my time and numbing my mind with these things.  If I were to take an honest look at the amount of time that I spent engaged in media driven activities I truly believe I would be amazed.  30 to play wouldn't be so hard if I gave up 10 minutes on the computer, 15 watching TV, 5 setting up my IPOD. 

The wear of daily life is inevitable but I wonder how much less it would be if I could learn to be STILL.

1 comment:

  1. This is a difficult subject in our house because James likes the constant background noise. I crave total silence. I have driven to Albuquerque before with the radio off nearly the entire time by myself; Although I have shows I watch fairly religiously, I'm pretty sure I could get through a week without turning the TV on; but you know James. ESPN 24/7. It drives me nuts. I am on the computer too much, and am trying to make a commitment to stay off Facebook- but it's hard. It really is an avenue for networking and I can't deny it's effectiveness. I empathize though, because even though I relish quiet times, I'm not spending that quietness necessarily with God. That's definitely the mistake.
