Sunday, January 16, 2011

30 to Play Daddy's Way

Ok, so I know that this post is all about the hubs but I had to redeem myself after that last photo.  See, I really do wear makeup when I am not having a strange reaction to something I passed while jogging that triggered never ending GINORMOUS sneezes and watery eyes that could rival Niagara Falls.  Anyway...

My honey decided it was his turn to take 30 to play and he did it his way!  Love it!  Grace found a Play Dough kit (that we have had for over a year and has never been opened) and asked if they could play.  At this point in time I should point out that I would have most likely said "No" because come on say it with me "It's a mess."  Maybe that's were being a man comes in handy.  He didn't see bits of Play Dough pressed into our carpet, or little fingers sticking it under tables and on top of hard surfaces.  Nope he just saw a fun afternoon with his girl and went for it.  (Sugar Booger was still asleep so she missed out.)

They worked very hard on their creations and I awoke from a much needed nap to find them happily playing, while watching football nonetheless!  They made snakes and planes, dolphins and trains...

But my very favorite?  Me!  In Play Dough form! 

Hee hee, don't you love how Tinkerbell is pulling a Vanna White?  TA DA!

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